Friday, September 21, 2012

All the Tourists, All the Lights

At 49th and Broadway

Taxis lined up outside of a show

Mesmerized by the lights

The remnants of a bakery's croissants

The edge of Times Square

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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Weekly Internet Love 9-20-12

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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

How to Find a Pen Pal

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Writing handwritten letters is a lovely experience. It's an excuse to use fantastic stationary, wax seals, and any other wonderful things that don't have any other practical use (ahem, glitter stickers). Plus, slowed down communication can be much more meaningful than instant Facebook updates. But finding pen pals can be difficult if you don't know where to look. The best pen pals are often not strangers, but people you didn't know loved letters too. I keep quite a few letter writing buddies, so here's my take on how to find them:

Check out your family tree

One of my most exciting pen pals is from Ireland. I found her by talking to my grandparents about which parts of the family emigrated to the United States and which stayed in Ireland. So if your family has immigrated in the past two or three generations, it's very possible that someone older than you knows a relative that lives in a different country. It's pretty exciting, and letters make good mementos of the relationship you created with someone you otherwise would not have met.

Call your grandmother

Or your great-aunt. Or anybody who is a bit older than you who you wish you managed to call more often. I find that a lot of older family members of mine are really grateful when you keep in contact, and letters are great because I know a lot of people really are nostalgic for that kind of communication, and it allows more in depth conversation. Letter writing can be done at a time that is convenient for both parties, so there is no time related stress.

Remember sleep away camp?

Any experience you had as a child that was a bit of a one off (sleep away camp, religious conferences, etc) probably involved some friends you made and didn't keep in touch with. If you can manage to find their address, send them a letter! They would probably love to hear from you. It's a great way to expand your circle of active friends and a bit of fun for both parties.

Sometimes, pen pals (or any sort of pal) are already friends or family, you just didn't know they were there.

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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

#11: See Chicago Live


I saw Chicago, and I loved it as much as I thought I would! I especially loved how they integrated the orchestra into the show by having them on stage and interacting with the characters. I went with some friends and family, and it was such a lovely night. The story line is a little depressing, but the way it was interpreted by  creative team was fantastic.

I probably should see the movie now. After all, it did win the Oscar for best picture. If it is half as good as the musical, I'd be very pleased!

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Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Opposite of Senioritis

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I have the opposite of senioritis. Really. Many of my peers, now that we have reached the final year of our free public education, have been overcome with this virus. In a way, I am jealous. But mostly I’m not.

Instead of feeling little to no desire to do schoolwork, I’m revved up with an excitement like never before. It’s definitely a bit strange for me. I’m used to feeling fairly, you know, average about schoolwork. But this year, I’m so excited to beat deadlines, hand in high quality work, and do general good student things.
I suppose this is a good thing. After all, it seems that senioritis is generally detrimental. But I wonder if somehow not having senioritis is missing out a little bit on the senior year experience.

I wonder a lot about “the high school experience.” I have sacrificed some things that most people consider rites of passage in favor of studying and pursuing solo activities. I wouldn’t have done anything different; I did what I liked and it worked out for me. But I do get wistful when I think about how some of the experiences I chose to forgo were collective experiences. I imagine it must have been a wonderful thing to be part of something and be on the same page as other people. I imagine cliques, sports teams, spirit competitions and the like have these sort of qualities

But anyway, back to senioritis. I’m sure the causes and whatnot behind senioritis have been analyzed before. But someone who has the opposite of senioritis, have they ever been compared to their afflicted peers?

I would like to say that the reason I don’t have senioritis is that the end of high school is the start of something wonderful for me. I will (probably) be committed to one of the universities of my choice in less than six months. I have much to look forward to. There isn’t anything about high school I will particularly miss, besides some people I have been lucky enough to meet.

Maybe those who get senioritis know that the end of high school is the end of an era for them. I don’t mean that in a derogatory way, I really don’t. Regardless of your academic and collegiate standing, it is possible to have had some truly wonderful experiences over the past three years. None of mine were particularly tied to the institution of high school, but I’m sure some people’s are. 

Whatever the reasons for catching it, I’m quite glad I don’t have senioritis. It would absolutely interfere with my perfectionist leanings, which would maybe ruin my best times in high school: Learning as much as I can about everything, and then making fun of myself for it.

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Friday, September 14, 2012

From the Magic City

Bike riding through the city heat

Potentially the cutest cat ever

Support talented musicians in formal wear!

My new favorite magazine

Cross streets 

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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Saying Thank You (Non-Mushy Edition!)

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I have decided one of the most important skills I have (somewhat) mastered in my short time here on Earth is the expression of gratitude in a non-mushy non-embarrassing-to-either-party way. The reason I got pretty good at it is I've been trying to express gratitude for everything, ever, for a while now. And it took me a long time to realize why most people recoil when you get all serious and emotional and whatever. It's because we are a bunch of embarrassed fools.

There's nothing I can do about that. So I learned to work with it. Now I can express my grateful feelings without making the party I wanted to thank feel uncomfortable. Win-win! Making the person who we are thanking feel awkward is doing the opposite of what we intended, so let's focus on making them feel great!

Say it casual.

Seriously. Say it casually. Even if you are saying something really meaningful. Say it like you would say, "Wow, the weather is pleasantly warm." Excited, genuine, but not like you are going to tear up.


Nope, not "kiss!" That's not casual. It stands for "Keep It Simple, Stupid." Really, you can keep it simple. A good example is "Thank you for saving my dog from that angry cat." Just express what you are trying to say. No need to try to outdo Shakespeare. Short and to the point!

Smile like you mean it.

Seriously. Body language is more than half of how we communicate. Give them the appropriate smile for your situation, and you should be golden. You can give them a hug if it seems appropriate. When in doubt, leave it out.

I hope this helps you guys express your gratitude without being super mushy or uncomfortable. If you have some thank yous that have been piling up, better late then never. Just give them a call! Tell them that you were just thinking about that nice thing they did, and you wanted to say thanks. People who express gratitude regularly lead longer, happier lives, so go for it!

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Challenge Within a Challenge AKA My Brain and My Wallet Hurt

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This Saturday, I will be embarking on two challenges with in a challenge. The overarching challenge is my effort to do 101 new things in 365 days. Most of those things are one time events, but a few are challenges that require some long term self control and motivation.

The ones I will be starting are #62 (no new clothes for 6 months) and #72 (save all change for 6 months). I thought it would be great to start them both at the same time, because that way it is harder for me to mess up the start and end dates.

These would seem like fairly passive challenges, but they pose a specific challenge for me. Mostly because I lose change like its my job (I think it's with all my missing socks?) and I love clothing. I don't just "dress to impress," but as someone who loves to sew, I'm obsessed with fabric, cuts, perfectly turned seams and well placed darts. Alas, a six month break from that might do my wallet good. (I'm not starting until Saturday because I have some clothing shipments coming in Friday. Okay, I admitted it!)

I recognize that these challenges wouldn't be great for everyone. They really play on my personal weaknesses that I want to improve on in a fun way. What kind of six month fast would you do in the name of self improvement?

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I Want to be Awesome When I Grow Up

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When we’re kids, we often talk about what we want to be when we are adults. Doctors, fashion designers, astronauts, they’re all part of what we’ll be when we reach that far away “adult land.” Where we are grown up and responsible, and living out our childhood dreams. There were no shortage of  children’s movies that showed a young hero overcoming all the odds to become a baseball player or another sort of fantasy career.
Then we grow up. We become adults (legally, if not mentally) and many of us realize that we probably won’t be famous actresses or discover the cure for cancer. And I’m okay with that. I personally always wanted to be a popstar or a chef. I can neither sing nor cook.
I think that growing up does have its disappointments. But I decided to rebel against the idea that you grow up, and then you are there. You’re still alive, you’re still a person. There’s no reason to act as if you have nothing to aspire to, as if the present is all the potential you’ve got for this lifetime. I find that incredibly depressing.
I thought about what I would want to be in some far off fantasyland, perhaps “real adulthood.” I struggled with this a little bit, and then realized: I just want to be awesome. All kinds of awesome. I wanted to travel, I wanted to read, I wanted to quote Woody Allen movies, I wanted to make friends and rollerskate. All those things that I’ve always wanted to do? That’s my version of awesome. The best part about it is perhaps, just maybe, it will take a lifetime to get there. That sounds much better than “growing up.”

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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Internet Link Love 9-11-12

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Sunday, September 9, 2012

#44: Making a Time Capsule

I decided to make a time capsule for myself to open in ten years. I thought it would be a good way to start off the 101 in 365 challenge, since I'm not getting any younger. And also, I was feeling nostalgic for elementary school.


It included a set of decorative keys, a little book of tips, a clipping of my favorite phrase, and a letter to my future self, sealed with a glitter sticker kiss.

I wrapped it all up with some tissue paper and sprayed it with my current scent:

I wonder if I will be able to smell the perfume in ten years.

Then I got really pragmatic and packaged it in all sorts of manila atrocities so it would actually make it to ten years.

It's weird to think that the year 2022 is going to exist, and that I'll be a real adult who has real life responsibilities by then. I can't even put too much thought into it; my brain will explode.

Have you ever made a time capsule? Would you like to make one? What would you put in it?

My First Guest Post: Style Remaining Fashion Fading

Hey everyone! I had the opportunity to do a guest post for Tatianna of Style Remaining Fashion Fading. I was so pleased because she is a great girl with a great blog. I wrote a bit about how budget influences style. Check out the post and tell us what you think!

Click on the image to go to the post:

Saturday, September 8, 2012

101 in 365 Challenge

Hi everyone! I have some goals to accomplish. I've decided that I've been a little lackluster lately. So I'm giving myself a brand new challenge: one hundred and one new things in three hundred and sixty five days. I'm going to do exactly what it sounds like: one hundred and one completely new things in a year.

I love having new experiences, and I don't think there is a better way for me to spend my senior year of high school than trying to accumulate them. I like challenges that can be quantified, so this is perfect for me. I'm going to record and post about each item that I complete. Some are big, some are small, but they are all things I want to experience. So you guys are keeping me accountable!

I've always wanted to do a big challenge like this. I'm very proud to say that I am starting! It works out to about two challenges per week, so I can do it in small pieces.

Here is the list of one hundred and one new things that I am going to do (the challenges that I complete will be linked):

Friday, September 7, 2012

Unexciting First Day of School Outfit

My first day outfit was pretty unexciting. This was due to the heat, humidity, and lack of air conditioning in my school.  I actually like this dress a lot, but it I feel by itself it isn't "blog worthy." Anyway, I said I would post, so here it is.


Dress :: AEO (on sale!)
Bracelet :: Pandora

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Backwards to School

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I went back to school yesterday. I have concluded that high school is just weird. There is no other way about it. I like the subjects, but the institution itself is a bit strange in a social sense.

On the bright side, my outside of school projects are looking promising. I have been toying with an idea that I won't reveal exactly yet... but I will let you know. It is looking good, so I will probably post about it soon.

In other news, I hope you all have been having a wonderful September!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A Day at the Open

After discovering that I can enjoy and understand tennis, I was lucky enough to be able to attend the US Open a second time. To be only twenty feet away from some of the best players in the world was an exciting experience.

One of the coolest parts of the tournament was that most of the doubles partners that I saw were from two different countries. I thought that it was awesome that people from opposite sides of the globe could play in tandem at such a high level. It was different from the Olympics because instead of country against country, it was literally skill against skill. I thought that was so great.

Murray just winning his match.

There were staff everywhere directing the crowds.

A view from the promenade level.

A tennis playing moving statue. Four actors set up pedestals and played a game of mimed slow motion tennis while covered in metallic paint. I was amused!

Little Bit of Link Love


Here's my first ever "link love" post. It's a little round up of some awesome things around the internet this past week:

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Monday, September 3, 2012

US Open Inspired Outfit

I went to the US Open this week. I have never seen live tennis before, and I absolutely loved it! It was pretty hot, and (almost) all the spectators dressed accordingly. I put together an outfit that would stand up to the late summer heat. The only thing missing is sunblock!


Dress :: Lilly Pulitzer
Bag :: Coach
Sunglasses :: Ray-Ban
Shoes :: Converse
Visor :: US Open Shop